We are the ARK
The 2025 ARK Project is closed to new applications. We are thrilled that so many people are interested in making their household into an ARK, but our funding is limited. Please follow our ARK work and feel free to ask questions.
The industrial food system is collapsing under the stress of climate change, drought, depletion of aquifers, soil erosion, and soaring costs of fertilizers and other inputs.
Populations of insects, birds, plants and many other species are declining due to climate change, industrial toxins, and habitat loss.
In the face of such huge problems, what can an individual household do? You can transform whatever land you have – a window box, a small front yard, a half-acre lot or larger – into an ARK = Acts of Restorative Kindness.
In an ARK, half the land is devoted to growing organic food, and half to nature. Through stewardship of your ARK, you go from gardener to guardian – of the food security of your family, and of the survival of hundreds of species.
Learn more about the ARK concept at https://wearetheark.org/ and in our Spring 2024 Ag Mag

You can apply to the Berea Urban Farm for support in transforming your household into an ARK.
Eligibility: You need to own the land, and the land must be free of regulations or covenants restricting ARK activities.
What you get: Free materials, e.g., raised beds, compost, low-tunnel, drip irrigation equipment, seeds and starts of native plants; and guidance from an experienced gardener.
What you give: Your commitment of time and talent to building and maintaining the ARK, your passion for the purpose of the ARK, and your willingness to share what you learn.
Introduction to the 2025 ARK and Backyard Fruit Growers Projects
Thursday, Monday October 21, 6:30pm to 8pm
Location: Madison Co. Library, 319 Chestnut St, Berea, Kentucky
Learn about and apply to participate in the ARK and Backyard Fruit Growers projects for next year.
To receive updates on this meeting and these projects, send an email to info@sustainableberea.org and put ARK in the subject line.
Application to Join the ARK Project are now closed
Thank you for your interest in the ARK project but applications are now closed.
